LCA Germany
LCAgency is partnered with one of the best Linguistic Centres for German language preparation centres located in Heidelberg.
Our skilled teachers will explain all parts of the exam in detail, such as listening comprehension and text production. They will even give you helpful tips and tricks to help you pass the exam! You will practice using sample exams under realistic conditions.
Our office services include:
- Course preparation: with highly trained teachers
The Exam preparation test we offer is: telc B2, telc B1, telc C1, telc C1 university, DHS, TestAS, TOEFL, TOEIC
- Finding housing Accommodation
Student Residence single or Double, Student Apartment or Homestay with Germany family's.
- Help with the notarization of the Highschool certificates .
- Visa and Entry into Germany
- Registration at the The citizens' office (Bürgeramt)
- Residence permit
- Opening a bank account